Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology Logo

3330 Cumberland Blvd., Suite 650
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 770-951-1018

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As many of you know, Medical Management Associates, Inc. (MMA) is the Administrator for GASCO. MMA has provided consulting services for medical practices and hospitals throughout the United States since 1982.

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to spread and accelerate, MMA's professional staff is working diligently to collate and make reliable and actionable resources readily accessible to its clients. MMA is making this information available to GASCO members as we work together to provide timely support to members of the cancer care community and other specialties during this extraordinary healthcare crisis.

Guidance for Medical Practices

Please visit the MMA web page dedicated to COVID-19 updates. Important information is now posted on the web page and includes:

Human Resources

With the unexpected reductions in patient volumes, staffing has become an issue. Learn more about the recent Families First Coronavirus Relief Act ("FFCRA") and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act ("CARES"), which encompass staff retention and funding assistance for small businesses, and also provide information on claiming unemployment.

COVID-19 Tips for Medical Practices

Useful tips and information is provided to help practices navigate through the COVID-19 environment, including patient communications, patient and staff safety, clinical processes, staff communication and alignment, billing and financial, coding, and much more.

Telehealth & Telemedicine

With strong emphasis being placed on "Social Distancing" as a means to contain the spread of COVID-19, medical practices are seeing an increase in appointment cancellations. In an effort to continue to provide needed medical care to patients, interest in providing telehealth services has escalated. Information on virtual check-in, e-visits and new patient telehealth is provided.

MMA's COVID-19 Guidance