GASCO Board Committees
2024 Committees
Having committees within a board of directors is important for effective corporate governance. Committees are groups of board members, staff members, and volunteers with varying experiential knowledge and specialized skill sets, who come together to provide professional expertise and guidance to the Board of Directors.
Executive Committee
- Chirag Jani, MD
- Ticiana Leal, MD
- Gregory Harris, DO
- Sharad Ghamande, MD
Clinical Practice Committee
The Clinical Practice Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Directors on social, ethical, and other issues of common interest relating to the practice of oncology in Georgia.
- John French, MD, Chair
- Trevor Feinstein, MD
- Crain Garrot, MD
- Chris Hagenstad, MD
- Ticiana Leal, MD
- Petros Nikolinakos, MD
- Samantha Shams, MD
- Alison (Ali) Spellman, MD
- Srividya Srinivasamaharaj, MD
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is comprised of the Executive Committee and two additional Board members with support of the Executive Director and is tasked with overseeing the financial health of GASCO and its interaction with its investment consultant, John Petty.
- Chirag Jani, MD
- Ticiana Leal, MD
- Gregory Harris, DO
- Sharad Ghamande, MD
- Crain Garrot, MD
- Lynn Durham, EdD
- Peter Lyle, Chair
Legislative and Advocacy Committee
The Legislative and Advocacy Committee reviews and recommends any state or national legislative actions that could affect the ability to provide, and the quality of, cancer care in Georgia.
- Karen Beard, GASCO Director
- Melissa Dillmon, MD, FASCO
- Crain Garrot, MD
- Gregory Harris, DO
- Andy Lord, GASCO Lobbyist
- Fred Schnell, MD
- Srividya Srinivasamaharaj, MD
- Harsha Vyas, MD
Nominating Committee
A Nominating Committee of no less than three (3) persons shall be appointed by the President with the consent and approval of the Board of Directors three (3) months prior to the Annual Meeting. The responsibilities of this committee will be (1) to nominate one or more Physician Members as candidates to fill each position on the Board occupied by a director whose term will expire within six (6) months of the date following the next Annual Meeting, and (2) to nominate candidates to fill directors' positions on the Executive Committee which will expire within six (6) months of the date following the next Annual Meeting.
- Crain Garrot, MD
- Sharad Ghamande, MD
- Chirag Jani, MD
Program (Education) Committee
The Program Committee is responsible for developing and arranging the educational and scientific programs held in conjunction with the organization's meetings. In addition, the committee is responsible for planning any additional educational programs which would be deemed advisable by the Board of Directors.
- Karen Beard
- Bradley Carthon, MD
- Sharad Ghamande, MD
- Anand Jillella, MD
- Kevin Kalinsky, MD
- Ticiana Leal, MD
- Peter Lyle
- Jane Meisel, MD, Chair Breast Cancer Programs
- Petros Nikolinakos, MD
- Andrew Pippas, MD
- Samantha Shams, MD
- Srividya Srinivasamaharaj, MD
- Anne Marie Cahill
- Christopher Poole
ASCO State Affiliate Council Representatives
This is a committee at ASCO comprised of representatives from all State Affiliates to discuss operational issues, reimbursement problems with Medicare and other third- party payers. The Society representative is selected by the Board but does not have to be a member of the Board.
- Karen Beard, Director
- Melissa Dillmon, MD, FASCO
- Gregory Harris, DO
- Srividya Srinivasamaharaj, MD
MAG House of Delegates Representatives
- Girindra G. Raval, MD - Primary Delegate
- Open - Alternate Delegate
Medicare Clinical Advisory Committee
- Gregory Harris, DO (Medical Oncology Alternate)