Past Meeting Slides
2022 GASCO Annual Meeting & ASCO Direct™ Highlights and Beyond
GASCO's 2022 Annual Meeting & ASCO Direct™ Highlights and Beyond took place August 26th-27th, at Loews Atlanta Hotel. At the conclusion of Friday's sessions, Karen Beard, GASCO Director, was honored by Dr. Frederick Schell and GASCO Board members and attendees for her many years of outstanding dedication and service to GASCO. Her time and efforts have made a vast difference within Georgia's cancer care community.

Joining Mrs. Beard on stage (from left to right) were the following GASCO Board members:
- Sharad Ghamande, MD, Augusta University and GASCO President
- Christopher Hagenstad, MD, NHCI/Suburban Hematology-Oncology Associates
- Crain Garrot, MD, Georgia Cancer Specialists, GASCO Immediate Past President
- Bradley Carthon, MD, PhD, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
- Karen Beard, GASCO Director
- Chirag Jani, MD, Phoebe Cancer Center, GASCO Vice President/President-Elect
- Frederick Schnell, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Community Oncology Alliance, Emeritus GASCO Board Member
- Gregory Harris, DO, Harbin Clinic
- Alison (Ali) Spellman, MD, Summit Cancer Care

GASCO was pleased to welcome visiting oncologists from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The visiting physicians are pictured here with Dr. Ticiana Leal, Director, Thoracic Medical Oncology Program, Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology at Emory University School of Medicine.
From left to right:
- Dr. Leticia Quinane
- Dr. Daniel Musse
- Dr. Bethania Santos
- Dr. Pedro Bergmann
- Dr. Ticiana Leal
2022 GASCO Administration and Business of Oncology Meeting
- Congressional Districts of Georgia 2022
Andy Lord - 2022 Legislative Update
Andy Lord - Moving Toward More Aggressive Patient Management
Dawn Holcombe - USP 800 and 797 Update and Employers are an Emerging Key Customer
Dawn Holcombe - National Policy Update
Nick Ferreyros - Hot Topics in Healthcare Compliance
Rich Sanders - Care Management Services
Allison Hirschorn - Social Determinants of Health and Z Codes
Allison Hirschorn - 2022 Evaluation and Management Coding and Documentation Changes
Allison Hirschorn
Photos from the "Taste of the Islands Reception"
2018 Practice Management & Business of Oncology Meeting - June 15-16, 2018
- Welcome to the Practice Administration & Business of Oncology Meeting
- The View from Capitol Hill - Ted Okon, Executive Director
- Practice Analytics Benchmarking and PBM Issues and Tools - Ricky Newton, CPA - Cancer Specialists of Tidewater, Ltd.
- PBMs: legal Update & What You Should Be Doing - Jonathan E. Levitt, Esq. - Frier Levitt Attoneys at Law
- GeorgiaCares Program and the Aging and Disability Resource Connection - Christine J. Williams and Karen Nelson
- Palmetto GBA Medical Affairs - Dr. Leland E. Garrett, MD, FACP, FASN, CPC - Lead Medical Director Medicare Jurisdiction J - Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia
- Proactive Patient Management Outside of the Practice - Dawn Holcombe, MBA, FACMPE, ACHE - DGH Consulting
- Treating Financial Toxicity in the Oncology Setting - Dan Sherman, MA, LPC - The NaVectis Group
2017 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Review Slides - January 6, 2018
- Local Therapy Highlights, Mylin A. Torres, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
- Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Amelia Zelnak, M.D., Atlanta Cancer Care, Northside Hospital Cancer Institute
- Triple Negative Breast Cancer and Novel Agents, Ruth M. O'Regan, M.D., Carbone Cancer Center of the University of Wisconsin
- Genomics, Genetics and Biomarkers, Mark E. Burkhard, M.D., Ph.D., Carbone Cancer Center of the University of Wisconsin
- ER-Positive Breast Cancer, William J. Gradishar, M.D., Northwestern University
2017 Annual Meeting Presentation Slides - September 8-9, 2017
- Stephan Moll, M.D., thrombophilia, UNC Chapel Hill
- Stephan Moll, M.D., Cancer & Venous thrombaebolism, UNC Chapel Hill
- Ruth O'Regan, M.D., Breast Cancer Presentation, University of Wisconsin
- Guru P. Sonpavde, M.D., Genitourinary Cancer Update, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
- Taofeek Owinikoko, M.D., Lung Cancer Presentation, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
- Melissa Dillmon, M.D., ASCO Update, Harbin Clinic
- Jonathan Kaufman, M.D., Myeloma Update, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
- Bassel El-Rayes, M.D., Gastroenterology Cancer Presentation, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
2016 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Review Slides - January 9, 2017
- Mylin Torres, M.D., Local therapy, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
- William Gradishar, M.D., HER2-positive breast cancer, Northwestern University
- Amelia Zelnak, M.D., Triple negative breast cancer, Atlanta Cancer Care
- Shou-Ching Tang, M.D., Ph.D., Survivorship, chemo prevention, bio markers, genomics, Augusta University
- Ruth O'Regan, M.D., ER-postive breast cancer, University of Wisconsin - Carbone Cancer Center
2016 Administrators' Association Slides - March 11 - 12, 2016
- Ricky Newton, Community Oncology Alliance, Revenue Cycle Management and Fraud
- Carol Babcock, Center for Palliative Care, Medical Center of Central Georgia, Initiating a Community Palliative Care Program
- Julie Cothren, McKesson Health, Final Rule for USP 800 - Implications for Oncology
- Jennifer Dreyfus, the Oncology Group, Profitability and Oncology Medical Homes Making the Connection
- Walter Birch, ASCO Clinical Affairs Department
- Brian R. Bourbeau, Specialists in Cancer & Blood Disorders, How Does the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 Affect Future Reimbursement
- Jennifer Malinovsky, Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, LLP, Watch Your Step! Why and How to Tread Carefully in Affiliation
2015 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Review Slides - January 9, 2016
- Virginia G. Kaklamani, M.D., the University of Texas Health Science Center Triple Negative Breast Cancer
- Elisavet Paplomata, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute, Survivorship, Chemo Prevention, Bio Markers
- Amelia Zelnak, M.D., Atlanta Cancer Care, HER2- Positive Breast Cancer
- Ruth O'Regan, University of Wisconsin, ER-Positive Breast Cancer
2015 Administrators' Association Slides - March 6 - 7, 2015
- James Leach, E&M Consulting, Inc. Are You Ready to Board the ICD-10 Train?
- Ted Okon, Community Oncology Alliance, National Cancer Policy Update
- Cindy Parman, Coding Strategies, Inc. Coding, Regulatory& Compliance Update
2014 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Review Slides - January 10, 2015
- Elisavet Paplomata, M.D. - Winship Cancer Institute of Emory -HER2 Positive Disease
- Ruth O'Regan, M.D. - Winship Cancer Institute of Emory - Triple Negative Breast Cancer
- Jayanthi Srinivasiah, M.D. - Georgia Cancer Specialists - Current Trends and New Directions in Hereditary Breast Cancer
- Mylin Torres, M.D. - Winship Cancer Institute of Emory - Surgical and Radiation Updates
- Amelia Zelnak, M.D. - Winship Cancer Institute of Emory -ER - Positive Breast Cancer and Prevention
2014 Annual Meeting Presentation Slides
- September 5th
- Ayca Gucalp, M.D., Memorial-Sloan Kettering - Obesity and Risk of Breast Cancer
- Carlos Arteaga, M.D., Vanderbilt University School of Medicine - ER+ Breast Cancer: Reversal of Antiestrogen Resistance by Manipulation of the P13K/m TOR Pathway
- Ruth O'Regan, M.D. - Winship Cancer Institute of Emory - Triple Negative Breast Cancer
- Richard L. Shilsky, M.D., ASCO Chief Medical Officer - Insuring the Future of Quality Cancer Care
- Ira Klein, M.D., MBA, FACP, AETNA - Member-Centered Cancer Care in Georgia
September 6th -Best of ASCO® - a program licensed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology®
- Fadlo Khuri, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory - Promise and Progress in Treatment of Lung Cancer
- Fadlo Khuri, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory - Induction and Adjuvant Treatment in Locally Advanced Head & Neck Cancer - New Insights, Old Challenges
- Jennifer Malin, M.D., Oncology for Wellpoint Health - BCBS Georgia Cancer Care Quality Program
- Sharad Ghamande, M.D., Georgia Regents University - Gynecologic Oncology
- Nancy Paris, GA CORE - Clinical Research in Georgia Update
- Robert J. Motzer, M.D., Memorial Sloan-Kettering - Novel Immunotherapy for Kidney (and Bladder) Cancer
- Herbert Hurwitz, M.D., Duke University - GI Cancers
- Amelia Zelnak, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory - Breast Cancer Update
2014 Administrators' Association Slides - May 2 - 3, 2014
- Paula Inches, AIM Specialty Health - WellPoint Cancer Care Quality Program
- Gigi Price, RN, OCN, CHONC, Consultant, the Revenue Cycle - Working with Your Special Teams
- Ted Okon, Community Oncology Alliance - National Cancer Policy Update "News from the Commissioner"
- Richard D. Sanders, Esq., the Sanders Law Firm - Georgia Scope of Service Laws, Supervision, Documentation and Billing for Midlevel Service - "Avoiding the Penalty Box"
2013 Annual Meeting Presentation Slides
September 6th
September 7th - Best of ASCO® - a program licensed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology®
- Best of ASCO® BINDER
- Christine Argento, M.D., Interventional Pulmonology, Emory University Lung Cancer Screening & Prevention: the New Lung Cancer Toolkit
2013 Administrators' Association Slides - May 3 - 4, 2013
- John Akscin, John Akscin Consulting - Optimizing Your Bottom Line..... Migrated thinking Required
- Bobbi Buell, onCology Point, Principal - Reimbursement 2013
- Barry Herrin, CHPS, FACHE - Smith, Moore and Leatherwood, LLP - HIPAA and HITECH Compliance Under the New HIPAA Final Rule
2012 Annual Meeting Presentation Slides
September 7th - Business of Oncology
- Alan Einhorn, Esq., Foley & Lardner, LLP - Maximizing Practice Independence - Options for Aligning with Hospitals in the Era of Health Care Reform
- Elizabeth Danielson, National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) - Cancer in the Workplace: Recommendations for Employer - Sponsored Benefits
- Thomas Marsland, M.D., Chairman, ASCO State Affiliate Council - Keeping Your Society Relevant & Members Charged Up
September 8th -Best of ASCO® - a program licensed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology®
- Fadlo Khuri, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University - Lung Cancer Abstracts
- Fadlo Khuri, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University - Lung Cancer Abstracts (2)
- Fadlo Khuri, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University - Head & Neck Abstracts
- Bruce Roth, M.D., Washington University - Genitourinary Cancer Abstracts
- Michael Morse, M.D., Duke University - Gastrointestinal Cancer Abstracts
September 8th - Administrator Track
- John Bennett, CPMA, CPC, Senior Associate - Medical Management Associates, Inc. - Post Payment Audits: Preparation and Response
- Bo Gamble, Community Oncology Alliance - Trends & Innovations in Oncology Reimbursement
- David Epstein, M.D., MBA, Medical Director, Aetna - A Differentiated Strategy for Cancer Care
- Sandy Giangreco, RHIT, CCS, CPC-I, CPC-H, PCS, Coding Strategies, Inc. - EMR's are Great - Look at all the Documentation they Do For Me!
- Dorie L. Griggs, M.Div - Trauma & Compassion Fatigue: - An Introduction to Trauma & the Caring Community
September 8th - Patient Navigators Track
- Trevor Simon, National Patient Advocate Foundation - Implication of 2012 Supreme Court Ruling Upholding the Afforable Care Act on Patient Navigation
- Jean Sellers, RN, MSN, University of North Carolina - Measures of Success for Patient Navigation
- Kristine Gabuten-Allen, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - National Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program's Patient Care Coordination Demonstration
- Jennifer Currin-McCulloch - Intimacy after a Cancer Diagnosis
2012 Administrators' Association Meeting Slides
- Michelle Weiss - Weiss Oncology Consulting - Audits - the Oncology Target
- Russell B. Still - Medical Management Associates, Inc. - Alignment Strategies
- Dara Dehaven, Esq. - Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - Labor & Law Employment From A Different Angle
- Richard D. Sanders, JD - the Sanders Law Firm, P.C. - Preparing for Health Care Reform
2011 San Antonio Breast Cancer Highlights Slides
- Mary Elizabeth Cianfrocca, D.O. – Banner, MD Anderson Cancer Center Prevention
- Ruth O' Regan, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University - Adjuvant/Neoadjuvant
- thomas Samuel, M.D., Georgia Health Sciences University - Bisphosphonates/Triple Negative
- Kimberly Blackwell, M.D., Duke University - Metastatic ER Positive/Metastatic Non HER2Objective
2011 GASCO Annual Meeting Presentation Slides
August 26th - Business of Oncology
- Edward Partridge, M.D., American Cancer Society - 650, Our Failure to Deliver
- Kelly Erola, M.D., Hospice Savannah and the Steward Center for Palliative Care - When to Introduce Palliative Care to Cancer Patient
August 27th - GASCO's Best of ASCO® - a program licensed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology®
- Fadlo Khuri, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute - Lung Cancer Abstracts
- Michael Morse, M.D., Duke University - Gastrointestinal Cancer Abstracts
- Sharad Ghamande, M.D., Georgia Health Sciences University - Gynecologic Cancer Abstracts
- Ruth O'Regan, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute of Emory Unversity - Breast Cancer Abstracts
- thomas Samuel, M.D., Georgia Health Sciences University- Breast Cancer Abstracts
- Christopher Flowers, M.D., Winship Cancer Institute - Lymphoma Cancer Abstracts
August 27th - Administrator Track
- Barry S. Herrin, JD, CHPS, FACHE, Smith Moore Leatherwood, LLP - Legal Issues in Implemention of an Electronic Health Record System
- Elaine Towle, CPME, Oncology Metrics, Division of Alto Solutions - Communicating with Patients about the Cost of Care: A Toolbox
- Bo Gamble, Community Oncology Alliance - Questions and Answers on 2012 Proposed CMS Changes
- Argartha Russell, Department of Community Health - Bille Frazier, Hewlett Packard - Issues for DCH Discussion
August 27th- Patient Navigator Track
- Keynote Speaker - H.A. Zaren, M.D., FACS, Medical Director, Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion - Incorporating Navigation into the Clinical Setting - A Case Study
- Dorothy McMichael, Avon Foundation - A Day in the Life of a Lay Patient Navigator
- Olga Lucia Jimenez, American Cancer Society - Georgia Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Client Navigation System
- Linda Lee, RN, Wellstar Cancer Network - Survivorship Care Plans - A Mandate
- Matt Mumber, M.D., Cancer Patient Navigators of Georgia