Evolving CLL Treatment Paradigms, Exploring Chemo-Free Regimens With a Fixed Treatment Duration
Meeting Host
You are cordially invited to attend a clinical presentation about VENCLEXTA's chemo-free, fixed duration regimens for previously untreated and relapsed/refractory CLL.

Vincent Herrin, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Flowood, MS
Monday, November 8, 2021, at 6:30 PM EST
This is a virtual event.
Once registered, you'll be emailed a link to access the virtual event.
RSVP to this program by Wednesday, 11/3/2021.
You can RSVP Chad Smith at 470-851-9777 or smith.james_chadsm@gene.com at genentechrsvp.com by entering code CM41741.
Please Note
This is a promotional educational program; CME credit will not be available.
Meeting Flyer